Many schools and universities have converted face-to-face teaching to online lectures amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying at home has its perks. However, for some students, this might prove quite a challenge.
Fortunately, there are a few tricks you can use to help you be more productive and stay motivated and focused. Here are 10 tips from Ulster University.
Treat your day like a workday
Set your alarm, get up and out of your pajamas, and be at your workstation. Check the internet connection and laptop/computer battery charged before the start of the online session to avoid disturbance. Ensure a quiet study space with no interruptions throughout each teaching session. Have a ‘to do’ list. Set measurable, realistic, achievable goals. Schedule coffee and lunch breaks as you would if you are in a full-time job.
Set a fixed time to engage in the course work
Set a fixed time for each of your modules so they each get the attention they deserve. This may mean devoting certain times of the day to each module or dedicating different days for different modules. It is easy to put off work and assessments so being organised and self-disciplined is an absolute necessity. Make a study plan and stick to it, timescales and deadlines included.
Do not rush through your work
While you may save time driving to and from class, remote learning is not ‘easier’. In some cases, remote and online learning can take more time particularly if you are not someone who likes to read a lot. Take your time and focus on quality. Take the breaks you need to stay fresh and focused. Ensure you complete the readings and course works suggested by your lecturer prior to each learning session.
Take the time to ask questions and engage your module lecturer
You may be required to interact with lecturers and/or peers to collaborate and learn. Just because the course is offered over a computer doesn’t mean you should not ask a question about the content or assessment. In fact, please know that questions are welcomed and encouraged. Feedforward information on amended assessments can be facilitated – just email your lecturer, and schedule with him/her a zoom meeting whenever needed.
Explore the technology being used in advance of having to use it
Take your time to ensure you understand any instructions provided that require the use of technology. For any technical issues, contact the hotline via student services.
Use alarms and calendars to ensure your assessment and module milestones are met
Once you get work and assessment tasks, record all important dates on your calendar, and set reminders. Make sure to complete your tasks as per your planned schedule.
Social learners beware
If you are a person who really likes social interaction in the learning process, make an online study group so you can discuss work, content, and assessment.
Stay Healthy
Using the guidelines provided on COVID-19, get outside if and when you can – walk, run, etcetera. If stuck indoors, there are lots of good exercise programmes online that you can follow. Equally stack up on healthy snacks as everyone tends to eat more when at home.
Communicate and don’t take this opportunity for granted
Reach out to your lecturer if you are unclear about anything. Check your email daily. Embrace technology, be self-aware and be considerate and kind to other peers and staff who may be juggling childcare, care of parents, etc. on top of their daily workload.
Stay Safe
Follow as a priority all the directives and guidelines that will keep you safe.