In light of the success of the training courses held during the past years, and in line with its new strategic vision, NAMA Center, a member of Qatar Foundation for Social Work, has launched its training plan for the year 2017 through the introduction of four free courses for the month of February, that target young men and women aspiring to discover their potential, hone their skills, and contribute effectively – as the main pillar of the national human capital, to the economic and social development in Qatar. In this regard, the Center has announced that it is now accepting registration requests.
Mariam bint Abdullatif Al Mannai, Director of the Community Services Department, and the Director in charge of running NAMA’s affairs, said:
We are pleased to announce that we have completed the preparations for our training programmes and courses for the year 2017 and are now accepting applications from ambitious young men and women wishing to join.
‘The new programmes and courses have been designed by the International Labour Organisation, so as to ensure training content that meets the trainees’ requirements on all fronts including planning for new projects, setting them in motion, and developing and improving already established ones, by providing them with the latest knowledge and skills in accordance with the highest international standards.’
Al Mannai added:
In light of this, we are quite confident that our training plan for this year will prove highly successful just like its predecessors, and we will continue to move forward to actively contribute to economic and social development based on knowledge, create more job opportunities, and diversify sources of income, as well as focus on and support creative ideas, thus achieving the Qatar National Vision 2030.’
An integrated curriculum has been designed to qualify and provide entrepreneurs with managerial skills, using the Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) curriculum adopted by the International Labour Organisation, after adapting elements of the curriculum with the nature of the Qatari culture and environment, which is being presented the framework of practical workshops containing the following training programmes:
Generate Your Business Idea (GYBI) programme:
This programme is intended for entrepreneurs who want to start their own projects, but they have no specific and clear ideas for these projects. The programme will provide them with the skills, tools and techniques that enable them to identify the different project opportunities, evaluate the feasibility of these opportunities, and thus choose the opportunities that match their abilities and potential, and turn them into project ideas.
Start Your Business (SYB) programme:
This programme is intended for entrepreneurs who have a specific and clear idea for their project and want to establish them. The programme will provide them with the skills, tools, and techniques that enable them to prepare a feasibility study for the specific ideas of their projects, thus making the decision to proceed with these projects, or search for alternative and more feasible ideas. The programme also will enable them to take the right steps to begin to establish and launch their projects.
Improve Your Business (IYB) programme:
This programme is intended for established entrepreneurs and owners of existing projects who want to improve the performance of their projects, in addition to individuals who are interested in further development in various managerial topics. The programme will provide them with the skills, tools, and techniques necessary for the success of their projects and improving their performance, as reflected in increased profits, improvement in working conditions and the creation of new employment opportunities, as well as serving society. The programme covers all training requirements for entrepreneurs through the following modules: Marketing Basics, financial statements, cost accounting, personnel and operation management, Procurement and Inventory Management, and project planning.
The details of the training courses during the month of February are as follows:
The ‘Identify and Start Your Business’ programme, which includes Generate Your Business Idea (GYBI) and the Start Your Business (SYB) programmes, from 5–22 February 2017.
The remaining sessions are a set of modules within the Improve Your Business (IYB) programme, as follows:
The ‘Marketing Basics’ course, from 5–8 February 2017, aims to enable youth to identify customers and competitors, achieve customer satisfaction, improve selling skills, and develop marketing plans.
The ‘Procurement and Inventory Management’ course, from 19–22 February 2017, aims to enable trainees to recognize the importance of the procurement, assessing the project’s requirements, the steps to an effective purchase, the importance of inventory management, how to use and regularly check those records, in addition to learning the skills that will help them in controlling their project’s inventory.
The ‘personnel and operation management’ course, from 26 February–1 March, aims to enable trainees to determine the relationship between people and productivity, how to influence productivity, hiring productive personnel, encouraging employees to be productive, and ensuring the safety of workers.
These courses are available to all aspiring and established entrepreneurs from all segments of Qatari society and all nationalities, holding all levels of education, targeted at the age group of 18 – 45 years old.
For registration and more information, call 4036 3070 or via email at [email protected].