Renowned event production company, Qatar Vision Production Company (Qvision), proudly announces its remarkable success at the esteemed Middle East Events Awards and Eventex Awards 2023.
Qvision boasts a diverse portfolio spanning corporate meetings, entertainment productions and sporting events. It has established itself as a premier choice for clients seeking unparalleled event solutions.
Diverse award categories
Among the 60 awards, Qvision claimed an astounding ten Gold, 16 Silver, and 34 Bronze accolades from Eventex Awards. These awards were earned across a diverse range of categories including:
Celebration Events ▪ Live Shows ▪ Musical Events ▪ Outdoor Events ▪ Corporate Events ▪ Ceremonies ▪ Concert ▪ Summits ▪ Public Events ▪ Sporting Events ▪ Conference ▪ Customer Engagement Events ▪ Gala ▪ Use of Event Technology ▪ Brand Experience ▪ Immersive Experience ▪ Kick-A Experience ▪ Best Supplier in the World ▪ Middle Eastern Event
With an outstanding display of talent and expertise, Qvision, meanwhile, secured an impressive tally of four major awards from the Middle East Events Awards, solidifying its position as an industry powerhouse.
Qvision’s exceptional execution of Qatar Airways 25th Anniversary garnered them the prestigious Best Association Corporate Meeting award, and their unwavering commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail.
Notably, Qvision’s expertise in entertainment production also took centre stage as it clinched the highly sought-after Best Entertainment Production and Best Sporting Event Production awards for its impeccable delivery of the FIFA World Cup Infotainment which captivated audiences and set a new benchmark in entertainment production.
The icing on the cake came with the recognition of Qvision’s esteemed CEO, Executive Producer and Artistic Director, Sharif Hashisho, as the Industry Icon of the Middle East. This prestigious honour acknowledges his unparalleled contributions and exceptional leadership in the field, inspiring the entire industry.
Qvision’s outstanding achievements serve as a testament to their unwavering dedication, boundless creativity, and unmatched expertise in creating unforgettable event experiences. This remarkable recognition is a true reflection of the team’s collective efforts and unwavering commitment to excellence.
To learn more about Qvision, visit their website at
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